Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Scott Ryan Tischler to Launch New Jewelry Business

PHOENIX, Arizona - Entrepreneur and “diamond hunter” Scott Tischler has plans to launch a new jewelry business. Teaming up with a designer, Tischler plans on creating a line of unique rings, many of which will be custom made for specific clients. The name of his new business remains top secret for now, but will be released closer to its opening day.

Tischler believes in running an ethical business and has visited Africa and African diamond mines many times. He absolutely refuses to buy or sell blood diamonds. All of Scott Tischler’s diamonds are KPC, or Kimberly Process Certified, which means that they have conflict-free origins and that their sale was not meant to finance armed conflicts. Tischler’s customers can rest assured that the diamonds they purchase only support legitimate businesses.

Diamonds are often purchased as a gift for loved ones, so Tischler believes that each piece of jewelry should be unique to serve as a symbol of that particular love. Customers will get a say in the design because Scott Tischler wants his jewelry to have meaning. Customers are given the opportunity to participate in creating one of a kind pieces that are true expressions of their feelings.

The one-of-a-kind nature of Scott Tischler’s jewelry means that it will take a bit more time to create. Tischler puts an emphasis on learning the story behind a piece of jewelry and the reason for its purchase. The business will also feature pre-designed jewelry, although customers are encouraged to join in the creative process.

Tischler has not yet confirmed a launch date for his business, but expects it to open by the end of the year.

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